Cool 10 Year Old Girl Bedroom Designs

Cool 10 Year Old Girl Bedroom Designs

I mentioned a week or so ago that I'd soon be working on a project with my mom. We're going to do some redecorating in my niece's bedroom and give her a room that's truly fit for a 10-year-old girl. Right now, her room is far from girly. In fact, there's nothing about it that says "kid's room" at all. But before I get into all of that, let me make some introductions.

Meet my brother, Rod, and his daughter, Yaleana.

Rod and Yaleana

About two years ago, they decided they wanted to leave the Dallas area and head south to Waco, so they moved in with my mom and step-father. What they thought was going to be a temporary living situation has turned more permanent. (Long story short, my step-father has Parkinson's, and my brother has become an invaluable help and support them.) So, since this living arrangement looks to be indefinite at this point, my mom and I are going to do a little redecorating for Yaleana.

She's been using one of the upstairs guest bedrooms, and to this point, it has been filled with furniture that has seen better days — old furniture that has long since been replaced in other rooms of the house, but was at least good enough to fill a seldom-used upstairs guest bedroom. So here's what we're starting with…

Standing in the doorway, the wall to the left now has a big dresser.

Yaleana's bedroom before - 1

The wall opposite the door has a wide window with the bed sitting under it.  That four poster bed is way too big for this room.

Yaleana's bedroom before - 9

The wall the right of that has the closet, with several feet of space to the right of it.

Yaleana's bedroom before - 2

And then here's the wall with the door to the hallway.

Yaleana's bedroom before - 5

Please overlook the mess.  🙂  I wasn't going to ask her to straighten her room so that I could take "before" pictures.

So as you can see, we have our work cut out for us in order to make this plain, dull, kind of stuffy room more kid friendly.  In fact, pretty much every thing is leaving, with the exception of the dresser.  That's a heavy, solid wood dresser, and Yaleana desperately needs storage, so it's staying, but it's getting a makeover.  So here's the vision I have for this room.

First, Yaleana wants to lose the queen size bed and use a twin size instead so that she has more space to move around in her room.  That bed will go along the wall where the dresser currently sits.  And since she needs storage, and has specifically requested shelves in her room, I'd like to do something like this…

built-in bed and shelvesBedroom by Massucco Warner Miller Interior Design

Of course, the wall where we'll put Yaleana's bed is wider than the one shown, so her built-ins will be wider.

I love the upholstered headboard, so that's a must.  But I want it to be in a solid color, because I want to do a hand-painted mural behind the headboard inspired by this wall in one of the Lilly Pulitzer stores.  I'm not sure exactly where this particular store is located, but this wall(paper?) is amazing!

wallpaper seen in Lilly Pulitzer store

The colors we'll use for the floral wall will be based on this Robert Allen Mod Layout fabric in Calypso.

Robert Allen Mod Layout Calypso fabric

I'm not quite sure how we'll use that fabric, but it probably won't be anything really big.  It'll be more like pillows, or something small like that.

Yaleana specifically requested a desk under the window, but she also requested shelves above the desk.  🙂  She can't have both, so my mom and I decided that shelves above the desk would be more useful.  So I'm thinking that will go on the wall with the closet door, and I envision something like this…

girls bedroom by Nest StudioGirl's bedroom by Nest Studio

And then on the window wall, we'll put the dresser under the window.  It'll be painted in a bright, fun color.  And rather than curtains on the window, I envision a Roman shade with some sort of ribbon trim, similar to this one from PBTeen.

Roman shade with ribbon trim from PBTeen

Or I might find a way to use the RA Mod Layout fabric as the trim on the Roman shade in place of the ribbon.  Hmmm…I think I like that idea.

So that's where we're headed with this!  When we're finished, it should be bright, fun, and fit for a 10-year-old girl.

Cool 10 Year Old Girl Bedroom Designs


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